Release #12/2023: Calendar view and Chat with URL

We’ve added several improvements and enhancements in this release:

  • Introduced support for using web URLs as a source in the AI chat tool, allowing users to extract information and chat with any website URL.
  • Implemented a Notification center that will keep users informed about important announcements, job completions and if any user shares notes with them.
  • Redesigned the note List page, now displaying notes on a weekly/yearly calendar by created/updated date.
  • Added a Math plugin to the editor, enabling users to easily write mathematical equations inside notes.
  • Implemented numerous small UI and UX improvements to enhance the overall user experience.

We continue to focus on building out our native mobile apps and more AI tools while making regular improvements to the app.

Please do let us know if you come across any bugs, or if you have any feature requests - we will try our best to prioritize them.